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When dealing with units of measure, Brainspan does the thinking so you don't have to. Brainspan was inspired by Rails Rails Numeric and ActiveSupport::Duration.

Example Usage

Use with Numeric Mixin:


(1).month.ago(); // Date representing the timestamp from a month prior to current time
(1).month.fromNow(); // Date representing the timestamp from a month in the future
(2).weeks.before(new Date(0)); // Date representing two weeks before the Unix Epoc
(8).days.after(new Date('2019-03-10')); // Date representing March 18, 2019

If you prefer not to extend the Number prototype:

const { Duration } = require('brainspan');

const oneMonth = new Duration(Duration.SECONDS_PER_MONTH);
oneMonth.ago(); // Date representing the timestamp from a month prior to current time
oneMonth.fromNow(); // Date representing the timestamp from a month in the future

const twoWeeks = new Duration(Duration.SECONDS_PER_WEEK * 2);
twoWeeks.before(new Date(0)); // Date representing two weeks before the Unix Epoc

const eightDays = new Duration(Duration.SECONDS_PER_DAY * 8);
eightDays.after(new Date('2019-03-10')); // Date representing March 18, 2019

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