Duration |
has number seconds in various units of time
- |
stores a unit of time in seconds
Duration#valueOf |
represents Duration in seconds
Duration#seconds |
represents Duration in minutes
Duration#minutes |
represents Duration in hours
Duration#hours |
represents Duration in days
Duration#days |
represents Duration in weeks
Duration#weeks |
represents Duration in months
Duration#months |
represents Duration in years
Duration#years |
represents Duration in milliseconds
Duration#asMilliseconds |
Relative times
- |
calculates the time in the future
Duration#since |
calculates the time in the future from a given Date
Duration#since |
calculates the time in the past
Duration#ago |
calculates the time in the past from a given Date
Duration#ago |
NumberMixin |
Returns a duration of seconds
- |
Returns a duration of minutes
- |
Returns a duration of hours
- |
Returns a duration of days
- |
Returns a duration of weeks
- |
Returns a duration of months
- |
Returns a duration of years
- |